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Hello World

Chasing Down a Dream

As I begin my second chapter of life, I am chasing down a new dream for myself...a dream of writing.

I have two full-time careers that I balance and will continue to stay invested in.  I am a single mother of four and I work for a large hi-tech company in Seattle where I am a VP of engineering for cloud commerce services.

I spend both my careers channeling and embracing my divine masculinity. And in order to preserve my duality, in my personal time, I try to channel my divine feminine traits so I can maintain a better spiritual balance.  My love of nature, the arts and music, traveling, creating (photography, writing, cooking) are the many ways I embrace my divine femininity. 

This new dream will be about investing in me - my duality.  What I do will not be about a financial gain or a desire to become a celebrity.  It is merely my personal investment in me and for me.  I discovered recently I need to spend more time with my divine femininity.  And by writing, I can create content and express myself in ways that can help other women.  Through my self expression and love of writing, I want to give back to a universe that continues to invest in me.

A Self-Expression Blog

writings from a lover, rebel and outlier



Health & Wellness





Let's make a connection!

I am looking forward to sharing more magic with you...

"The future is uncertain... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity."

-Ilya Prigogine

Patagonia, South America - December 2023

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